Joke of the Month

November 2020

a cartoon image of a frothy ocean wave.

Q. How do the oceans say hello to one another?

A. They wave!

October 2020

a cartoon image of a black and white cow bouncing on a blue trampolineQ. What do you call a cow on a trampoline?

A. A milk shake!

September 2020

a cartoon image of a green dinosaur sleepingQ. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?

A. A dino-snore!

August 2020

a cartoon image of a hedgehogQ. What sound do hedgehogs make when they hug?

A. Ouch!

July 2020

a cute cartoon ghost on a black background wiggles its fingers above its head. Q. Where do ghosts play golf?

A. on a golf corpse!

June 2020

a cartoon image of young boy with brown hair jumping into a swimming pool. In the background is a sun lounger shaded by a red and white parasol. A mountain is visible beyond the garden fence. Q. What’s big, blue and on a diet?
A. A slimming pool!


May 2020

a cartoon image of two monkeys hanging from a branch - one by his tail, and one by his hand.Q. Where did the monkey find his mum?              A. In his Family Tree!



January 2018

a cartoon image of a lionQ. How does a lion like his meat?

A. Roar!




December 2017

a photograph of a red gummy bear sweetQ. What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A. A gummy bear!



November 2017

a photograph of a pig wearing a karate suit. He has a black belt. The pig appears to have broken a concrete tile in two, presumably with a karate chop.

Q. What do you call a pig that does karate?

A. A pork chop!


A cartoon image of a house. Clicking this image will take you back to the main menu.
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