The CODES Framework

CODESWhat is a successful AAC communicator and how do we know the individual is an effective communicator?

The CODES Framework was developed by Keycomm to help monitor progress of an individual using an AAC system as well as to answer the above questions. It is not an assessment tool to determine whether AAC strategies are required, but a framework for measuring effective communication post assessment following discrete guides and identifying skill development over time. The communication competencies within this framework are identifiable key skills that an individual who uses AAC will need to develop in order to become a competent communicator.

The CODES Framework Booklets
The C.O.D.E.S. Framework booklets and CD.

The CODES Framework is based on work by Janice Light, an american speech and language therapist. However, we also consider the environmental and participation models of The Model of Human Occupation, and The Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement, as skill application is as important as skill acquisition.

This page offers some insight into the framework, although regular training sessions take place for professionals who want to implement it in their practice. Some prior knowledge is assumed. Upcoming courses will be featured on our booking form page and our News and Updates page, as well as in our newsletter.

Activity Toolkit
The Activity Toolkit that accompanies the C.O.D.E.S. Framework.

C.O.D.E.S. is continually being reviewed and developed.  We now have additional resources available such as our Activity Toolkit.  For more information, please see the C.O.D.E.S. website!


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